Framing information

All van den hooven artworks have a base price that is for the unframed artworks only.

Yes, frames are available as optional extras (but mostly for our smaller artworks).

If you wish to frame an artwork, please navigate to our online shop page. From there you are taken to the individual artwork product pages – that is where the framing options appear.

Once you have added an artwork to the shopping cart, it’s not  possible to change its framing options afterwards. You would then need to remove it from the cart, go back through to the product page, select the framing options and then either select “add to cart” or “buy it now”.

At the moment it is not possible to select any framing options if you use the buy it now / add to cart direct links on either the portfolio pages, the archive pages, or the lightbox pages. We wanted these pages to feel more like an exhibition space where you primarily focus on the artworks, and not get too distracted by an e-commerce vibe.

It’s not possible to select framing options automatically for some of our largest artworks. This is mainly because linking changes in framing options to update shipping prices would require substantial additional custom e-commerce programming/coding to implement on our site (it’s not yet economically viable for us to do that; we’re not Amazon).

If you wish to frame a larger artwork, please feel free to contact us for a quote.

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